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Cate Huisman

Inland Northwest Writer

The Inland Northwest may be unknown to the denizens who know Seattle, Portland, and their damp Cascadian surroundings as the essence of northwest culture. Inland—east of the Cascade Mountains—it’s drier, slower, and emptier. There are larger spaces between smaller cities and towns.


It seems to attract people who prefer to be where it’s not at. I'm one of them. My musings about the area and its inhabitants, published over the last 20 years, may be found in my portfolio.

​Two blogs reflect current travels. More Mischief details my sometimes contentious relationships with a 34-foot sailboat on the wet west coast, a damp relief from the Inland Northwest. Message in an Outhouse documents a common form of communication used off the beaten path, or at least in areas without indoor plumbing.

Posts from From the Panhandle, my blog for the late lamented, will eventually be archived here.




Dispatches from the damp west coast, where adaptations to an aging boat and body present challenges worth meeting.


Examples of a unique and perhaps underappreciated mode of communication.


TO COME---Links to posts from my blog for the late lamented




Cate Huisman is a native of Portland, Oregon, but currently resides in the north Idaho panhandle. her first forays into professional writing came as offshoots of outdoor work and teaching—pieces for Outward Bound newsletters, course area guides, instructor handbooks.

​Her more recent published writing, all nonfiction, reflects her residence the past 20 years in the Inland Northwest. Dozens of her profiles of the inimitable individuals of this area have been published in Idaho Senior Independent, and her work appears regularly in Sandpoint Magazine. She has also published in a variety of other regional publications.

Contact Cate
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